These days I’ve been:
Growing plants (my main resource), buying more materials, getting new lab space, answering bioprocess/scaling up questions with team
Forcing myself to learn to build apps. Unsure if I hate coding more than the feeling of not being able to execute an idea because I don't like to code. Naval thinks of code as one of the highest forms of leverage. I think the highest is people.
Building a genomics course. I'm truly loving the process of brining people along with me in this project and I bought a sequencer so it's really exciting!
By definition, living an unconventional life — thinking different — is not about following your hero’s path, agreeing with their esoteric thoughts or disagreeing with the status quo. It is about doing what’s genuine. Steve’s admiration for Edwin was not an ephemeral prosecution of a mirage of success, but rather a constant pursuit of fulfillment. The main trait of people attaining similar levels of impact throughout a lifetime is neither skipping college nor building products at the intersection of arts and science. It is to obsessively hit the ball you love.
to hit the writingball. I’ve even been told that I’m good at it too. After three years of a growing and passionate love affair, how could I explain to you, reader, my odd decision to break up? Safe harbors do not bring comfort to the adventurous soul. Piano, photography, writing have been literal teenager dreams of mine, all branches arising from the seed of a love for feeling and making other people feel. For she who is not busy changing is busy dying, I’m currently choosing a new ball.

PS: have you read Elon’s bio? You should. It’s hallucinating! I’ve started Edwin Lands and man… I have no words but “a life of creation is a life worth living”.